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Better You

Empowering high performers.

Lead a healthier more energetic life to excel at work and at home through personalized health coaching.

Does this sound familiar?

Whether you're an up and coming entrepreneur, corporate executive/manager, or an established business professional...
You have a lot going on.

From family obligations to work stresses...
Being a high performer can be challenging. It can be tough to make health a priority when you're juggling so many tasks.

But without prioritising your health...
Other areas start to suffer. Negative health impacts your stress levels, zaps your energy, and steals your confidence.

The question is: how can you put a renewed focus on your health without sacrificing personal life or your effectiveness work?

Would you rather have a penny a day that doubles every day for 30 days?
$1M today?
Many people say $1M...
But a penny doubling a day every day for 30 days, eventually leads to $5.4M

That's x5 the results
We outline a program of small consistent actions to yield you "$5.4M" of health and wellness benefits.

Want more vibrant energy or a trimmer waistline?
We have you covered.

Welcome to BetterYou

A revolutionary new approach to fitness and health for the high performer.

Make small sustainable changes to develop a life filled with more energy, confidence, and packaged in a whole new look through personalized health coaching.

Our premium services include:

Personalized Physical Training

  • Customized online personal training that fits into any busy schedule.
  • Whether you want to improve your health, lose weight, or gain strength, our specialized programs get you there.
  • We design workouts based on the equipment you already have saving you both time and money.
  • Look forward to your sessions again! Get jaw dropping variety along with your own personal coach.
  • Your workouts are programmed around your needs and readiness to perform. For example:
  • If you're particularly stressed one day, we'll program to help you move to reduce stress and perform your best. Better beats perfect!
  • Our health program is holistic. We focus on keeping you consistent to improve self confidence and energy for the long term.
  • Even if all you have is 15 minutes a day, we can show you how you can enjoy the benefits of physical training.
  • No matter how little time you may seem to have as a busy professional, we work with you to develop a plan that works.

Sustainable Nutrition Coaching

  • Our trainers guide you every step of the way on how to develop the skill set you need to live the life you've always wanted without taking away the foods you love.
  • Enjoy a personal touch to nutrition.
  • Remove guilt and stop yo-yo'ing
  • Make changes you can stick with.
  • Live a healthier, more enthusiastic life by taking small steps to improve your health. Say goodbye to meal plans, say hello to flexibility!
  • We'll identify and eliminate what's holding you back.
  • Sound too good to be true? Far from it.

World Class Accountability

  • Progress to the next step in your health and fitness journey with the support you need.
  • Take advantage of a proven accountability system to reach your goals easier than ever before.
  • Using your own custom app, enjoy 24/7 access to your coach, see your progress, and review your current activity to stay on track.
  • You'll always have someone there to have your back no matter what. Pain shared is halved and pleasure shared is doubled!
  • Whether you need a listening ear or actionable advice to help you make progress, you're only one call away from help, support, and motivation.
  • Rest assured. You'll be able to carry your new habits sustainably into the future. Learn the skills you need to not only get the results you want, but keep them!

We Understand

For high performers, we know how difficult it can be to find time for fitness.

Being an entrepreneur myself, I found it harder and harder to make time for myself until I had a mindset change. It doesn't take working out 2 hours a day and only eating chicken and broccoli to enjoy the benefits of living a healthier lifestyle.

It's all about implementing small habits that overall lead to greater energy, well being, and happiness long term.

Habits such as:

  • Switching one portion of a meal to a healthier option
  • Parking farther away from the entrance of a store to get more steps in.

Can make all the difference in how you look and feel.

Prioritising time to focus on your health can pay huge dividends. Dividends such as getting more work done in less time, having more energy, and experiencing more clarity and joy.

When I made the commitment to focus on my health and wellness, I was overwhelmed by all of the information and plans.

"Keto this" or "paleo that".
The list goes on and on.

Although many trainers you find out there may be completely convinced of a certain method of training or nutrition...

There is no one size fits all approach.

Strict inflexible training and meal plans tend to lead to "yo-yo'ing", seeing results and reverting back, which can hurt self confidence and impede long term progress.

The best programs are built around your situation, your needs, and where you're looking to go.

Having trained 100s of clients over 6 years+ and taking time to educate other trainers on best coaching practices, I know what it means to provide solutions that work for the long term, not quick fixes. Our team works with you every step of the way, through the ups and downs, to get you there.

Check out what some of our clients have to say about us!

Karla Basselier

Naam: Karla Basselier
Leeftijd: 39 jaar
Woonplaats: Merelbeke, regio Gent
Job: Head Public and External Affairs Antwerp World Diamond Centre (Lobbyist voor diamantsector); een drukke en veeleisende job, die zowel mentaal als fysiek veel inspanningen vereist.


Micheline D'hooge

Naam: Micheline D'hooge
Leeftijd: 35 jaar
Woonplaats: Drongen, regio Gent
Job: Bediende Unief Gent


How can I get started?

Book a call

Book a free 15 min consultation call where we'll chat through your story and goals.

Determine the plan

Together, we'll determine the plan that works best for you and provide you with a customised strategy to move forward in your health and wellness.

Begin your program

Begin your program and start experiencing more energy, more clarity, and more life.

So what're you waiting for?

Stop waiting and start making the changes you need to live the life that you've always wanted. Click below to schedule your free consultation today!